☀️During summer, to keep your chocolates at the right temperature, your orders are shipped only with Chronofresh.



Website publisher:

Jeff de Bruges Diffusion (SAS)

Share capital: €16,000,000

Siret (French Company Number): 448 989 947 00024

Head office: Parc du Bel Air —12 avenue Joseph Paxton – 77164 Ferrières en Brie — France

Head office tel.: +33 (0)1 64 66 63 00

Website publications and editorial manager: Mr Philippe JAMBON

Access to the website and the use of its content are subject to the terms of use described below. Accessing and browsing the website constitutes the internet user’s unconditional acceptance of the following details:




The Jeff de Bruges company is the holder of the domain name http://www.jeff-de-bruges.com/. The entire website and its components (including texts, tree diagrams, software, presentations, photographs, illustrations, diagrams, graphs, logos, etc.) constitute intellectual works protected by Articles L.111-1 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code. The website and its components are the sole property of the Jeff de Bruges company, which has the exclusive use of the related intellectual property rights and privacy rights.


The use of all or part of the website — including downloading, reproduction, transmission, representation or dissemination — for purposes other than personal and private use for non-commercial purposes is strictly forbidden. Any violation of these provisions will expose the perpetrator to the sanctions defined both in the French Intellectual Property Code — in particular those concerning the infringement of copyright (Article L.335-3) and the law relating to trademarks (Article L.716-9) —and in the French Civil Code, regarding civil liability (Article 9, Articles 1240 et seq.).



Design and graphics: Clever Age

Photo credits: Creaset; Nicolas Richez; Guy David; Matter Paris; Jeff de Bruges


To the best of its ability, the Jeff de Bruges company strives to ensure that the information displayed on its website is accurate and up to date, and it reserves the right to correct such content at any time and without notice. However, the Jeff de Bruges company cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision and comprehensiveness of information made available on the website; such information does not constitute a guarantee or commitment to internet users on the part of the Jeff de Bruges company. In particular, the Jeff de Bruges company cannot be held responsible for:

- any imprecisions, inaccuracies or omissions relating to information available on the website;

- any damages resulting from changes to information available on the website due to hacking;

- and more generally, any damage, direct or indirect, whatever its cause, origin, nature and consequences, caused by any individual’s access or lack of access to the website, as well as the use of the website and/or of any credit given to any information directly or indirectly derived from it.

The Jeff de Bruges company employs means intended to ensure the security of files containing personal data collected on the website. However, it should be noted that the Jeff de Bruges company has no control over the risks associated with the functioning of the Internet.

All the prices indicated on the website are the maximum prices inclusive of taxes (TTC). These prices are valid in mainland France and in countries in which Jeff de Bruges offers the delivery services mentioned in its website’s General Terms and Conditions.



Users of the website are informed by the Jeff de Bruges company that these Terms can be modified at any time. Such changes shall be posted online and shall be deemed to have been accepted without reservation by all users who access the website following their online posting.

Last update: 1st October 2020